08. Dez 2015
Unter internationaler Beteiligung von Mikrobiologen, Chemikern, und Medizinern führte die Rudolf Schülke Stiftung ein zweitägiges Arbeitsgespräch zum Thema ”Worldwide Significance of Gram-Negative Antibiotic Resistant Rods: Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Strategies“ durch.
S. Bhattacharya: Relevance of Gram-negative pathogens for public health - Situation in India - M. Exner: Introduction and objective of the symposium - M. Exner: Wo steht die Krankenhaushygiene 2025 - J. Gebel: Disinfection Germany - CEN - P. Goroncy-Bermes: Efficacy of Biocides against Gram-negative Bacteria - M. Mielke: Common challenges and future needs to combat antimicrobial resistance - Situation in germany - P. Oltmanns: Restrictions in the use of biocides for disinfection procedures - B. Ross: Infectiological consequences of antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative - R. Schmithausen: One-health concept and risk management in agriculture
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